Thursday, June 29, 2006


A shameful act of Member of Parliment

I AM disgusted at the continued disgraceful behaviour of our Members of Parliament (from both the Barisan Nasional and the Opposition) who continue to resort to name calling, personal attacks and cynical remarks against each other, “Reply sparks verbal war” (The Star, June 29).

Wednesday, June 28, 2006



After being exposed to ICT knowledge at Universiti, we should encourage our teachers to use ICT in their daily teaching and learning Process. This ability will enhance the understanding of students and will improve the learning outcomes of our students. The use of Internet in preparing lessons will make the teacher more creative and pro-action in their task. They also will be exposed to lots of strategies through browsing the internet for their materials. So it is the headmasters as a leader, should be the motivator and driving force behind this noble duty.

Jayapalan Suppiah.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Teacher Factor In The Internet Use In Teaching

Teacher's attitude towards the internet :

i. resistance to organizational change. Teachers are not willing to change to new ideas.

ii. resistance to outside intervention. Some teachers do not like this. So you counsel them
instead of directing them.

iii. time management problems. Bound by many tasks and paper work. Teacher blamed for
their students bad performance in their examinations.

iv. lack of support from the administration.

v. teacher's perceptions.

I think the teachers are obliged to perform well in their duties as that is their duty. They are
duty bound. What are your opinions ?

Jayapalan Suppiah


Why do teachers never use ICT in their teaching ?

Bates (1997) believes there are four reasons for using technologies in higher education :

* to improve the quality of learning
* to improve access to education and training ( Democratization of learning )
* to reduce the costs of education; and
* to improve the cost effectiveness of education

The teachers normally are very reluctant to use internet in teaching and learning because

i. Lack of teaching experience with Internet. They have never exposed to the use of
Internet in their teaching and learning process.

ii. Lack of on-site support for teachers using Internet. Not enough computers for the
end- users.

My comments:

Teachers as knowledge source or guider , the should prepare themselves to the future by learning all the necessary skills for them to use the latest technologies. They should use the internet to teach their students because the internet is a ocean of information. Are the teachers ready for this ? It is the responsibility of all those are willing to be called "Teacher"

Jayapalan Suppiah

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